Why use Travel Pros for your travel needs?

When people find out what I do for a living, weird things often happen…

Some will tilt their heads to one side and ask, “Do Travel Agents still exist?” Here is a brief list that will help you decide if working with a travel advisor is for you.


Saves Time

Have you ever Googled “Caribbean Vacation”? Did you know that the average person who books online has spent about 15 hours in research alone? Why waste that time researching only to end up full of self-doubt, wondering if you really got the best vacation you were looking for? We all have busy lives, and most of us would agree we don’t have enough hours in a day already. Do what you do best, and hire the rest!



I understand that it is fun to look at all the options at first, however, anyone can make a picture look good. Have you actually been there to know if that resort is really beachfront, or has the photo been edited and in reality, the resort is across the street from a heavily-populated public beach? Chances are, with my thirty years in the travel and events world I have been there, seen that, tasted that, touched that, and experienced that and if I haven’t, I know who are the reputable supplies to seek out.


Your Personal Advocate

Since the pandemic travel has boomed back with a gusto but in many instances it has been one of the hardest times to travel. You invest a good deal of money to travel that you need to protect. We act as your advocate before, during, and after your trip to make sure it flows seamlessly. If issues arrive, we are able to pick up the phone and call for support from key supplier management personnel. Wouldn’t you rather have MY team working on your behalf so YOU don’t waste YOUR time on vacation? 


Saves You Money

Did you know that travel agents still have the best deals? It’s true! We also know the ins and outs that will get you the best experience and value for your money. As professional travel advisors, our agents charge a nominal fee for the planning time, and their expertise in designing the perfect package for you. If, at the end of the day, they save you time, money, and hassle of trying to DIY, they should! 

Being Part of a Host Agency

Being part of a host agency in the travel industry is beneficial for independent travel advisors like Travel Pros.  Our Host agency, KHM Travel Group provides resources, education, and professional support for home-based travel agencies. Their buying power greatly benefits their agents and clients in providing access to exclusive luxury brands and supplier partnerships and pricing.

Next Steps
Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session where we'll find out exactly what you have in mind and if we'd be a good fit for each other.

Book a free one-hour consultation with us to learn how our team can help you plan your upcoming travels with ease.